Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Considering that I've done a blog on masturbation I thought that I would wright one on pornography as well.
Definition: 'Sexually explicit pictures, writing, or other material whose primary purpose is to cause sexual arousal'
Pornography as a subject is generally kept quite discreet if you go into Anne Summers there is a section at the back of the store selling sex toys and costumes and that but I don't actually think they sell porn DVDs. I know that in other places around the world pornography is a more open topic such as America and Amsterdam but in the UK it's generally a very private matter. Even when you type pornography into Google it doesn't have a drop down list of suggestions for your search. I researched around the subject for a little bit and found out that some people actually consider themselves to be addicted to pornography. Although there is a dispute about whether or not this addiction actually exists, also whether or not the result of this type of addiction could actually be harmful. Sex therapists argue that it is a real addiction and has serious consequences. However others argue that is has no comparison with substance addition and therefore should not be allocated into the same category. Statistics show that online pornography is meant to be more addictive then any other kind as it is more private. I just reckon that this is because it's the easiest to get hold of, click of a mouse and there you have it! 'Some claim that "addicts" regularly spend extended periods of time searching the Internet for new or increasingly hardcore pornography. Some clinicians and support organizations recommend voluntary Internet filter (content control) use, Internet monitoring, or both, to manage online pornography use'! http://http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pornography_addiction
Monday, 3 May 2010

Sunday, 2 May 2010

Gossip is an ongoing cycle, it will never be stopped and will never be controllable. I think the best way to handle gossip (if you find yourself being gossiped about) is to simply laugh it off and show that you do not care because retaliation simply causes for more gossip!
Saturday, 1 May 2010
Domestic Violence

'The terms 'victim' and 'survivor' are both used, depending on the context. 'Survivor' is, however, preferred as it emphasises an active, resourceful and creative response to the abuse, in contrast to 'victim', which implies passive acceptance. If you are reading this, then you are - at least to some extent - a survivor'
'Blaming the victim' is something that abusers will often do to make excuses for their behaviour, and quite often they manage to convince their victims that the abuse is indeed their fault. This is part of the pattern and is in itself abusive. Blaming their behaviour on someone else, or on the relationship, their childhood, their ill health, or their alcohol or drug addiction is one way in which many abusers try to avoid personal responsibility for their behaviour'
Friday, 30 April 2010

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Here is some information on the last 100 years about racism!
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
You can't help who you fall in love with!

It really annoys me when people judge who other people are in a relationship with. I really believe that you can not help who you fall for; whether its different or same sex!
I am not homophobic in any sort of way and I really think that it is one of the most ridiculous things in the world!
I'd read a blog that one of my friends had made about a similar sort of topic, she'd commented on religion and sexuality stating that someone she knew had been told to 'pray to God to 're-wire' her brain to make her strait'. When i read this I thought it was completely cruel! :(
However it got me thinking about love and religion! So I thought that I would look in the bible for an example of what it says about love ...
Proverbs 10:12 'Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs'
'Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres' http://christianity.about.com/od/prayersverses/qt/versesaboutlove.htm
Here it speaks about how strong love is and how it is kind, if religion really believed that love was kind and that it does not delight in evil then why doesn't it want everyone to be in love? Why would it create rules and boundaries for who should be 'allowed' to love who?!
However this is not just referring to sexuality, this is also revolved around race, social status and wealth! And in all honesty I think to judge someones character on their wealth is full on pathetic it has nothing to do with what sort of person he or she is! One of my all time favourite films is 'Romeo and Juliet' (not just because it has Leo in it :) although i do love him!) But because of the romance and how much their in love! But seen as I'm commenting on the whole you can't help who you fall for this is a good time to mention the whole rift in their family thing! They aren't allowed to be together and it causes both of their deaths!!!
I'm really glad that I don't have the sort of family that would judge me for who I loved! Whatever gender, race, or religion I know my family wouldn't care as long as I was happy!
I hope as well that when I'm older I have the same views about love and relationships that I have now! Because I really do think that you shouldn't care what people think when it comes to love! You love who you love and that can not be helped!
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Vicki's Blog On Drink Driving

Monday, 26 April 2010

I know that it can not technically be considered as 'bad behaviour' but stress really does make people's behaviour deteriorate. That might sound daft but honestly it does, if I'm stressed then I literally can feel and see myself turning into a bitch! I get really snappy and will be in a constant mood until I sort out whatever is bothering me!
This link explains how everyone deals with stress in different ways and how it effects each person differently! I know exactly what I'm like when I'm stressed and I can explain what I do perfectly! I go very quiet and for people that know me can definitely tell when I'm stressed or upset! I'm quiet unless spoken to when I will then become snappy! I literally wont be able to think or concentrate properly on anything else apart from the certain thing! At this precise moment it's essays but luckily I still have some time with those ( however I'm really glad that I didn't leave these blogs until the last minute like I usually would do with everything else!)
That's the worse thing about it I literally make myself stressed, part of it is my own fault! I leave all my work until the very last second! I've tried not to and to get it done early but I just physically can not do it. I'll sit at the computer and just stare at the screen not able to function! I apparently work the best when I am under pressure It makes me the most motivated! I am definitely the person that doesn't do things until I have to!
However a big part of my stress (sadly I've inherited this from my mom) is I am a full on worrier! Honestly it is absolutely ridiculous! When I am on my own it's like my head goes into this weird warp drive and just thinks the worst possible things ever, this is extremely strange as I am a complete optimist I look for the bright side in everything. Honestly its irritating sometimes and my poor friend Claire who is a total pessimist hates it! But when I'm worried my normal sense leaves my body and I turn into a nutcase! The most daft quality that I have now developed (also from my moms influence) is the ability to worry about my sister. Who by the way is four years older than I am making her twenty four! She is completely responsible and a lot stronger and far more level headed than I am but I literally can not help myself. My sister has been driving for years now! But recently (I have no idea why) if she doesn't answer her phone and I know she has left work I automatically begin to think that something has happened to her and shes hurt. My sister has a tendency to not answer her phone a lot, especially if shes been drinking! Therefor I'm constantly thinking somethings happened to her. Don't get me wrong I trust her, but for some reason I always begin to think the worst. How daft is that, shouldn't it be the other way round? I'm younger she should be thinking it about me! But it's all down to stress and how it effects people differently.
Being stressed really does effect my behaviour and although I try to control it I simply can not help it! So I think that stress can be considered as 'bad' behaviour because in all honesty it turns me into a bit of a twat! (Gutted I know)
Sunday, 25 April 2010

When you take something that doesn't belong to you it is stealing! However it is worded it is! It's like when you say that you've 'borrowed' some money from your rents and they don't know (which I have done) that's still stealing its just stealing off people that you know can't be too angry with you ha ha!
Saturday, 24 April 2010
Emily's Blog ****ing HELL!!!

Friday, 23 April 2010
Tom's Blog on Bandits and Outlaws

Tom goes on to talk about famous bandits throughout out history (Bonnie and Clyde, Robin Hood) as soon as Tom mentioned Robin Hood I understood what the lecture was about. There are as always with this topic different ways to view this. You can consider a Bandit to be a 'bad' person until you think about Robin Hood! I love the story of Robin Hood and have seen the films many of times. 'Stealing from the rich, to give to the poor' is an iconic line and the idea of stealing and giving in the same category sums up Robin Hood perfectly. Its the way in which his actions are supposed to be so terrible but he doesn't do it for himself. The idea of wanting fairness and a happy ending for everyone is mainly what Robin Hood is all about, so he can not be put into the category of regular bandits!
Thursday, 22 April 2010

Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Binge Drinking

I don't think working in a bar helps, I'm constantly surrounded by people making complete twats of themselves! Girls throwing themselves over guys who obviously are not interested or are interested but just in one thing! Once I was standing behind the bar and me and my friends had been laughing at this woman who was really off her face for about an hour, she'd already gone to toilet and forgot to tuck her skirt out of her underwear when she came back but she proceeded to sit on a stool, lean back onto the fire door exit and fall out of the pub! Now not to be mean but it was one of the funniest things I have ever seen! Her smacking her head off the skip was just an ultimate highlight! :)
But as good bar staff know if someone falls out of the fire door it really is time for them to go home! Which began the long, tedious argument of the fact that the woman really had had enough to drink and could know longer be served on our premises. Now I don't know what it is about when your drunk but it immediately seems a good idea to say 'Look I'm not drunk! I can walk in a strait line' which of course you can not do because you are in fact DRUNK! It's the most annoying thing ever!
Another thing about being a barmaid you get to know the regulars! In the pub wear I work this means 'BIG DAZ', Daz is only 39 years old, when I met him I would have said he was knocking on at about 65! He's massive people say that back in the day when he was about 20 stone he didn't look to bad now days he probably ways in at about 35 stone! The bloke is feking massive I do not lie! But it amazes me because the other day (by the way he also smokes like a chimney)
he was telling me that he spent £900 in a week on fags and drink! He only comes to the Leopard, it's not like he ventures out into town to get pissed! If ever he goes where I work will lose so much income it'll be unreal! But seriously £900 in a week and do you know what I thought as soon as he said it, just think about how many pairs of shoes I could buy with that!
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Vick's Blog About Abortion

Monday, 19 April 2010
Claire's post Are you stalking me?

I found Claire's post about cyberstalking interesting and amusing, the way she speaks about the world of face book and the information that is shared within it is completely accurate!
I must admit that sometimes my friends and I do have a bit of a face book stalking sesh where we have a nosey at certain people and what they have been up to!
Claire comments on how we stalk our partners, I really think this is true as although I am not in a relationship I know some of my friends that have admitted to logging on to their partners accounts to make sure they have nothing worth hiding, but this makes me think where is the trust?!
Claire also says something that I found really funny ( as I know this applies to many of us) "I'm obsessed with face book! It rules my life!" This statement is so true many of us spend hours and hours on the computer and logged into face book, however I do think it's a shame as back in the day I would be saying spend hours and hours logged into my space and that just is not the case anymore! Now it's all about face book! Its what we do when we come in from school,uni or work. We check it before we go on a night out to find out who else it going out and it's what we do the morning after we've been out to check for evidence of embarrassing moments from the night before, from statements to photographs the cringe-worthy moments are always there waiting to be discovered!
Sunday, 18 April 2010
Nasty Comedians

Saturday, 17 April 2010
Emily's Blog A moment on the lips

Friday, 16 April 2010
Soph's Blog on Plastic Surgery

Monday, 12 April 2010
Body Modification

I know Body Modification was linked in with tattoos however I wanted to comment on this separately as the meanings are very different. As in my opinion tattoos are a way of expression and plastic surgery can be a way of improving some ones confidence. Again I'm not sure that I agree that 'body modification' can be classed as 'bad behaviour' unless your focusing on the way the media view plastic surgery with celebrities.
Whenever celebrities have been found to have had plastic surgery it is always broad casted and becomes apparent to all. However is some cases celebrities are praised if people view their new appearance as better, however if the public do not agree with the celebrities change to their appearance it will be noted. This site shows many celebrity surgeries that are considered to be awful!
Plastic surgery is mainly associated with females although many males undergo surgery as well, more men than ever appear to be going under the knife to have 'moob' reductions! In 2009 it shows that 581 male breast reduction operations were conducted compared with the 323 from 2008. However breast augmentation surgery for women is at the large number of 8,537!
Sunday, 11 April 2010

Saturday, 10 April 2010
Soph's Blog About Bullying! http://http://sophiesblogjls.blogspot.com/

The statistics she gave 'Between 15 and 25 children commit suicide each year due to bullying' is shocking. This surprised me as the numbers are so high! I can not imagine waking up and dreading going to school, worrying about what would happen when I got there.
The picture that I have used describes only a number of ways that people can experience bullying, both physically and mentally!
Sophie's mention of the use of the Internet is very common in today's society, groups such as face book and my space can definitely be used to bully others by the uploading of photographs or the public broadcasting of people opinions of others.
Bullying is a serious issue and many people including celebrities have come together to try and target the problem, once and for all.
Thursday, 8 April 2010

Monday, 22 March 2010
Soph's Blog Praise the Raise

Friday, 19 March 2010
Lets talk about drugs then ...

I think some people think that your considered boring if you don't take drugs and 'let loose' but i really don't see it like that there is a difference to getting trashed on alcohol and acting like a twat to getting completely off your face on coke and being a complete dickhead.

Monday, 15 March 2010

Saturday, 13 March 2010

In most cases euthanasia is carried out because the person who dies asks for it, but there are cases called euthanasia where a person can't make such a request'
Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Chloe's Blog on Prostitution

I'd noticed that Chloe had written a Blog about prostitution and I really think that this should have been one for a lecture as this can really be considered as 'bad' behaviour!
Chloe makes a really interesting point of saying there is two types of prostitution and this is what makes it controversial! The idea of choosing to be a prostitute by your own free will, and others who are forced into prostitution. There is a Big difference!
Is it wrong that immediately when I think of prostitution I think of glamour (it is yes!) I always think of 'Pretty Woman' before anything else. But then obviously that image floats away and the reality of prostitution kicks in. You hear and read about the horrific stories of some women who are forced into becoming a prostitute, it's terrible! I'll never forget that episode of Eastenders way back in the day when Zoe became a prostitute, it was so sad! Her character was terrified of the men she was being forced to sleep with and the people that were saying she must do it. The sad thing is this really happens in society. http://http//www.birminghamuk.com/prostitution.htm
However when I typed into Google to find appropriate research about this topic the majority that was coming up was showing prostitutes to be the enemy and how they should be banished from the streets. I think sometimes people forget that this is not every ones choice, the reality is people still get forced into doing things against their will and if someone helped them they could escape and lead a better life. I'm not saying I'm for prostitution I just think that sometimes there is a bigger picture than what people see!