The definition of gossip - 'Gossip is idle talk or rumour, especially about the personal or private affairs of others. It forms one of the oldest and most common means of sharing (unproven) facts and views, but also has a reputation for the introduction of errors and other variations into the information transmitted'
Can you class gossiping as bad behaviour? If so then i will confess to being guilty, as I must say I do love a good gossip! :) But is there a line between what is classed as gossiping and what is classed as bitching? I think there is many different ways to class gossiping! In some cases gossiping can literally just be catching up with friends and telling them about antics from a night out. But the other kind of gossip is literally phoning a friend to tell them some juicy news that you know they won't believe and you just can not keep it to yourself. I'm guilty to this also! Don't get me wrong, I'm very good at keeping secrets and if asked not to say something then my lips are sealed. However there are those certain people that you tell everything to no matter how little or uninteresting the subject may be. My best friend could agree to this as we literally just blabber on to each other about total crap ha ha :D
The media go crazy over new gossip, although with the world of celebrities gossip can actually be serious and cause major harm to peoples lives! When something new is revealed they thrive upon it, however for certain journalists its paves the way to their success. But in that case isn't gossip just a way of gaining from peoples misery. Previously I wrote a blog on cheating and spoke about the relationships of Cheryl and Ashley Cole, the gossip surrounding their relationship is ridiculous and luckily it appears that Cheryl doesn't seem to be taking any notice!
Gossip is an ongoing cycle, it will never be stopped and will never be controllable. I think the best way to handle gossip (if you find yourself being gossiped about) is to simply laugh it off and show that you do not care because retaliation simply causes for more gossip!
Gossip is an ongoing cycle, it will never be stopped and will never be controllable. I think the best way to handle gossip (if you find yourself being gossiped about) is to simply laugh it off and show that you do not care because retaliation simply causes for more gossip!
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