My best friend is really my main reason for this blog because however bad i may be when it comes to money and shopping I know that she is much much worse. My best friends job is absolute hell as she is a proper shopaholic and working in TOPSHOP is torture for her bank balance! Even with the discount she is still ranking in the bills! She owns a number of store and credit cards and literally can not stop herself from buying clothes!
The saddest thing I have ever witnessed was watching my best friend sell her louis vuitton because she literally couldn't afford to keep it. If you knew her you'd understand, she really loved that bag and it was worth more than just the label it had real sentimental value. Her Mom is constantly going on at her about the money she spends and how she acts about clothes but I must say she really does make a good point; the girl loves fashion. It's what she's wanted to do ever since I can remember. Literally she used to create outfits for our barbie dolls when we were younger. But the business is so competitive she has to know what shes talking about. Like any other form of employment you have to understand and be interested in what you want to do e.g. cooking, you practice recipes to become a cook. So as her choice of employment involves clothes shouldn't she be praised for having such a large interest in the topic? Maybe! But I must admit if I ever get hold of one of her cards I really would be so tempted to cut it up so she couldn't spend anymore!
This is a very true blog, very insightful to the world of young girls steph :) it is very true shopping is bad behaviour... It definately causes problems for those participating and i very much know the feeling of store and credit card bills! There definately should be a very small limit on cards for us young shopper holics for us and our bank balances safety...