Considering were supposed to be talking about bad behaviour here is my blog on stealing. There is many different ways that the term stealing is used however the definition of stealing in the dictionary is 'To take property of another without right or permission' however as the link shows there are many different terms for this particular word!
However the first thing that springs to my mind when considering stealing is people being burgled! Sadly this has happened to a number of my friends and my nan. I think it's so sad that it's happened to my nan but I'm just happy that she didn't get hurt as luckily she wasn't home at the time. But it must be such a horrible feeling to come home and discover someone has been in your home and gone through all your things!
It's happened to one of my friends twice now but in her case it could of been a lot worse! Her Mom arrived home to two very large blokes in their lounge! Thankfully she was only pushed to the ground as the two men escaped!
When you take something that doesn't belong to you it is stealing! However it is worded it is! It's like when you say that you've 'borrowed' some money from your rents and they don't know (which I have done) that's still stealing its just stealing off people that you know can't be too angry with you ha ha!
When you take something that doesn't belong to you it is stealing! However it is worded it is! It's like when you say that you've 'borrowed' some money from your rents and they don't know (which I have done) that's still stealing its just stealing off people that you know can't be too angry with you ha ha!
I'd never really thought about stealing until a couple of months ago! A girl that I know stole some clothes from my best friend and when it finally came out my best friend was really hurt that someone she was friends with and that had been to her house and spent time with her could of taken her belongings for months and not told her.
Stealing completely deletes trust!
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