Considering that I've done a blog on masturbation I thought that I would wright one on pornography as well.
Definition: 'Sexually explicit pictures, writing, or other material whose primary purpose is to cause sexual arousal'
Pornography as a subject is generally kept quite discreet if you go into Anne Summers there is a section at the back of the store selling sex toys and costumes and that but I don't actually think they sell porn DVDs. I know that in other places around the world pornography is a more open topic such as America and Amsterdam but in the UK it's generally a very private matter. Even when you type pornography into Google it doesn't have a drop down list of suggestions for your search. I researched around the subject for a little bit and found out that some people actually consider themselves to be addicted to pornography. Although there is a dispute about whether or not this addiction actually exists, also whether or not the result of this type of addiction could actually be harmful. Sex therapists argue that it is a real addiction and has serious consequences. However others argue that is has no comparison with substance addition and therefore should not be allocated into the same category. Statistics show that online pornography is meant to be more addictive then any other kind as it is more private. I just reckon that this is because it's the easiest to get hold of, click of a mouse and there you have it! 'Some claim that "addicts" regularly spend extended periods of time searching the Internet for new or increasingly hardcore pornography. Some clinicians and support organizations recommend voluntary Internet filter (content control) use, Internet monitoring, or both, to manage online pornography use'! http://http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pornography_addiction
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