OK I don't know whether everyone will agree with me about this as 'bad behaviour' but I really do believe that 'bad' hygiene should be in the running!
There is nothing more disgusting then seeing someone leave the toilet without washing their hands! It's always the same if your in the females, ladies will be washing their hands then checking their appearance and touching up their hair and make up if they feel necessary. But sometimes someone will leave the toilet without washing their hands and everyone makes the same 'eughhhhh' face! Then tries to not touch the door handle ha ha!
When swine flu came about the idea of 'clean hands save lives' became more apparent! But so did the way in which people viewed it! A little girl at my high school apparently had swine flu and within hours it was all over face book about it! Everyone was being proper harsh about this poor girl acting as if it was her own fault that she'd caught it! So in that case the idea of what was focused around hygiene made peoples socially have 'bad' behaviour! It's a weird topic to be considered as 'bad' I know but when considering the bathroom aspect I think that its bad behaviour to be touching door handles that others will touch if yours aren't clean!
If you wouldn't like to do it then you can not think that anyone else should have to either!http://http://www.hygieneexpert.co.uk/WhatIsPersonalHygiene.html
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