Here is some information on the last 100 years about racism!
OK! Racism in my opinion is 'bad' behaviour, no question! I'm not going to lie and I hate to say this but I know that I've made racist comments in the past. I'm not racist and I would never not be friends with someone because of the colour of their skin! But I will admit that I have been intimidated by people with different appearances, so in that sense you could consider me racist. However I would say that I am not I believe that there is a very big difference! I would never not befriend/love someone with a different ethnicity or skin-tone to myself! Racism out stands me sometimes some people think they have the right to be racist because they have experienced it! One of my best friends is Indian and I love him to bits :) he'd do anything for me, his friends or family! He's one of the sweetest people I've ever met this wouldn't change however he looked! Previously he dated a girl and it didn't work out, she went on to date a guy with black skin and an Afro. This guy met my friend and called him a 'dirty Indian'. Now as you can imagine the rest of the lads flipped out! It was awful! But I only mentioned it as it links in to what I was saying previously about people who have experienced racism thinking it's OK to be racist! It's not it just increases the vicious circle!
its ironic that you specified yor freinds ethnicity as being asian, yet the black man i pressume u were speaking about was just a man with black skin and a afro??? he wasnt even worthy of of u naming his race and im still baffled by the refference to the texture of this 'black mans'hair and why you thought it was relevant was it meant to magnify the aim of your story? and also you have in the past been intimidated by people from different ethnic backgrounds, this is most likely due to differences between cultures it may be hard to identify with someones culture what they beleive in?, the particullar music they listen to, the food they eat , the way they dance i can appreciate that it would maybe dependant on your personality be hard to get your head around but to say uve in the past been intimidated by someone because of their ethnicity i find pretty alarming and it just emphasises to me how stereotyping can cause problems, heres a question if a 5 year old child with a different colour to yourself approached you would you be intimidated lol people are different regardless of skin colour im a black female but i am not the same as every black person in the world