Thursday 8 April 2010


Vandalism is everywhere, and to be honest not many people can say they have never vandalised anything. I've done it without even realising before drawing little hearts or stars everywhere, that's why its usually best that i have paper in front of me because normally what ever I'll be doing will end up covered with little doodles of something or other.

Vandalism can be viewed in many different ways, once when I was at school this lad got in loads of trouble for drawing on a radiator. Now it wasn't even like what he'd been drawing could be considered to be 'bad' he'd drawn a train! But he got into a load of trouble as it was considered to be vandalising school property.

Normally when I hear the word Vandalism my mind thinks of graffiti, this however I think is because there is so much graffiti around. I mean you can't go on a train or a bus without basically seeing it everywhere.

Whenever I go into town i can guarantee I'll see it everywhere especially if your out on a night and go into the toilets, the doors of LightBar are covered in writing same for Blastoff to be fair. Although if you go to Oceana they don't let you take pens in as me and my friends found out on bar crawl they confiscate them haha. Although I must admit I normally never take a pen with me; keys, phone, money, id, make up what am I forgetting, ahhh yes a pen to write on the walls with, it just doesn't happen.

But anyway graffiti is what normally springs to my mind and at school it was this massive issue! Like if you were caught writing on a table then you'd be made to scrub it off, this however in my opinion was never as bad as the amount of chewing gum stuck under the table, which at my school if you got detention some teachers would make you scrape all the chewing gum off, luckily I never had to do that.

But the teachers were really strict about it, but when I went into year eleven we came back to school and this massive mural had been done on the wall in a graffiti style, random! I think it was considered to be urban but yeah it looked a tad shit. It really didn't make sense and didn't fit with the rest of the school what so ever.

But now there was this whole other opinion of what graffiti was supposed to represent now it was considered as an art, which in some cases it really is.

However in other circumstances it really is just swear words on a brick wall! I was driving home the other day and some one had sprayed "Fuck Off the Gig" on this massive wall, it's pointless. This wall is no where near 'the gig' (Gigetty Lane) so why put it there.

Obviously graffiti is not the only version of Vandalism, the idea of destroying some one's property as it's considered 'amusing' really does just seem a bit pointless! It's like that story about people putting fried eggs on some ones car, the fact they fried the eggs before hand, it's like that's a hell of a lot of effort for something so pathetic.

But seriously the vandalism of peoples property can become really extreme, people destroy peoples houses and for literally no reason. It's a shame to say it as well but it is more of a youth thing and is normally identified with younger generations.

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