Friday 23 April 2010

Tom's Blog on Bandits and Outlaws

I missed the lecture on Bandits and Outlaws so when I noticed that Tom had written one I thought that I would have a nosey to see what it was about! he'd given a definition of what a Bandit is said to be according to the dictionary.

(The Oxford English Dictionary defines a ‘Bandit’ as ‘One who is proscribed or outlawed; hence, a lawless desperate marauder, a brigand: usually applied to members of the organized gangs which infest the mountainous districts’.)
Tom goes on to talk about famous bandits throughout out history (Bonnie and Clyde, Robin Hood) as soon as Tom mentioned Robin Hood I understood what the lecture was about. There are as always with this topic different ways to view this. You can consider a Bandit to be a 'bad' person until you think about Robin Hood! I love the story of Robin Hood and have seen the films many of times. 'Stealing from the rich, to give to the poor' is an iconic line and the idea of stealing and giving in the same category sums up Robin Hood perfectly. Its the way in which his actions are supposed to be so terrible but he doesn't do it for himself. The idea of wanting fairness and a happy ending for everyone is mainly what Robin Hood is all about, so he can not be put into the category of regular bandits!

Tom continues to talk about Colton Harris-Moore who I must admit I really didn't know much about so I had a nosey at the link that he provided ... http://http//

and read the crimes that the eighteen year old had been accused of. Tom continued by ending his blog noting that being a bandit could be considered a 'risky hobby' amusing yet true that the idea being a bandit could be something to amuse ones self in their spare time :)

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