Saturday 24 April 2010

Emily's Blog ****ing HELL!!!

I really enjoyed reading Emily's Blog about swearing, I always think it's funny because when you think about it, where did swear words come from? Who starts them off? How does everyone find out about them and decide that they are these really 'bad' words!

It's interesting as well to see to what people consider 'bad' words, it's like when swearing in front of parents, for some reason I can call my mom like a twat or a bitch and she wont really care. I've only ever made the mistake of calling my mom a cow once and she flipped at me. Since when has COW been a swear word :/ She just doesn't like it!

Its well weird!

But Emily made a good point when speaking about the word 'cunt'!

In my opinion cunt is a 'bad' word, I'll only use it if its really necessary :)

'So I guess it depends where you are and who you are with as to whether swearing is acceptable'

Emily makes a very good point in what she says, swearing depends on the person and what context it is being used in!

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