Wednesday 21 April 2010

Binge Drinking


Here is some statistics about binge drinking and the harm it causes on our bodies! I must admit that I've never been a big 'binge drinker' although many of my friends have been, I just haven't ever been that interested in getting completely 'smashed'. Don't get me wrong, I do drink! If I'm going out on a night I will never go out with out less than £40 and will always go with the intention to blow that money on alcohol, this not including the money I'll have spent on alcohol that was drank previously before I've left. It just seems that I really do know when to stop drinking, I've only ever been sick from too much alcohol twice! Once when I was about thirteen and the other time when I was about fifteen. You know that saying you learn from your mistakes I really do believe that's why I wont let myself get into such a state, number one feeling so shit the next day and number two, I do enough embarrassing stuff when I'm sober I don't need even more ammunition. People always say I don't think I've seen you drunk, they have done they just have never seen me throw up in public, slur my words and stumble all over the place. (OK maybe the last one, I'm not the most poised person in the world)

I don't think working in a bar helps, I'm constantly surrounded by people making complete twats of themselves! Girls throwing themselves over guys who obviously are not interested or are interested but just in one thing! Once I was standing behind the bar and me and my friends had been laughing at this woman who was really off her face for about an hour, she'd already gone to toilet and forgot to tuck her skirt out of her underwear when she came back but she proceeded to sit on a stool, lean back onto the fire door exit and fall out of the pub! Now not to be mean but it was one of the funniest things I have ever seen! Her smacking her head off the skip was just an ultimate highlight! :)

But as good bar staff know if someone falls out of the fire door it really is time for them to go home! Which began the long, tedious argument of the fact that the woman really had had enough to drink and could know longer be served on our premises. Now I don't know what it is about when your drunk but it immediately seems a good idea to say 'Look I'm not drunk! I can walk in a strait line' which of course you can not do because you are in fact DRUNK! It's the most annoying thing ever!

Another thing about being a barmaid you get to know the regulars! In the pub wear I work this means 'BIG DAZ', Daz is only 39 years old, when I met him I would have said he was knocking on at about 65! He's massive people say that back in the day when he was about 20 stone he didn't look to bad now days he probably ways in at about 35 stone! The bloke is feking massive I do not lie! But it amazes me because the other day (by the way he also smokes like a chimney)

he was telling me that he spent £900 in a week on fags and drink! He only comes to the Leopard, it's not like he ventures out into town to get pissed! If ever he goes where I work will lose so much income it'll be unreal! But seriously £900 in a week and do you know what I thought as soon as he said it, just think about how many pairs of shoes I could buy with that!

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