Saturday 13 March 2010


'Euthanasia is the deliberate killing of a person for the benefit of that person.
In most cases euthanasia is carried out because the person who dies asks for it, but there are cases called euthanasia where a person can't make such a request'

I know this is a slight morbid topic but I just wanted to comment on it because I really think that the U.K's view on euthanasia is very restricted.The first time I ever heard about euthanasia to understand what it was, was in an R.E lesson in year 10 I think. I remember listening to the teacher talk about how in religion euthanasia was considered to be a 'No!' because know one had the right to end a life that God had created, except for God!

They spoke about how In the U.K it was simply classed as murder! You can receive up to fourteen years in prison for assisting someone in suicide! I'm not saying that I agree with any of this as I can not imagine what it must feel like to consider death as an only option! But I do think that there is the idea of wanting to die as a release. There was an article written in the 1980's called 'How to die with dignity' and I think this links to my opinion of release.

When my Step Grandad passed away I remember my Dad telling me that he was in a better place now and was comfortable. This I must say I agree with and when considering this opinion I think if people are terminally ill and want to be at peace they should be allowed, as it's there life. Why must they continue to suffer?! The article we were told about in my R.E lesson (I can't remember it fully) it basically explained a story of a wife who had helped put her husband to rest as he was very ill and couldn't survive anymore she left the country to commit the action abroad which her husband had requested and when she arrived home she was arrested. I still think as I did when I heard the story that it was really unfair. This poor woman had just killer her husband because she loved him enough to end his suffering and now she was being punished for it.

Although I do understand the reasons for this being illegal the idea of it making people think they could get away with murder (literally) is definitely a large consideration. But I still think that in some cases this topic could be thought about in other ways.

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