Sunday 28 February 2010


Lying ... This topic is relevant to 'being bad' as there are many ways to view the subject.
When we are young children we are taught to always tell the truth and that lying is considered wrong.
However with age we continue to understand that in some circumstances not telling the truth can be beneficial.

The term 'White Lie' is an interesting way to title something that is considered wrong, it refers to something that is linked with innocence. 'White Lies' are not considered to be extravagant, just a small way of altering the truth. The act of a 'White Lie' is usually associated with an act of kindness masked behind not telling the 'exact truth'
An example would be telling someone that is ill that they appear to look better even when they may not or telling a friend that has done something to embaress themselves that it was really not that bad and hardly anyone saw. These sorts of lies are used to comfort people, and are used with genorosity not malis.
However there are the sorts of lies which really are considered wrong and then there are those that are just considered to be bad. There are many different stages of what is considered to be OK when refering to this topic.
A bad lie could be classed as knowing something about a person and not telling them when they have asked you whether you know.
Then there are the types of lies which are considered as wrong these are normally found to benefit the person/people that are telling the lies. For example pleading innocent to a crime that someone has actually commited, cheating on a partner etc.

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