Wednesday 24 February 2010


OK well obviously there is all this talk at the moment about the whole Cheryl and Ashley situation (which by the way I am all for making myself a member of Team Cheryl) but does anyone else think it's weird that there are so many of these stories appearing at the same time.
Not only with the whole John Terry story but also the whole headline about Vernon Kay, sending those 'sexts' to a page three model.

I was proper gutted when I saw this as I love Vernon Kay and Tess Daly. The image of the 'perfect power couple' has completey been shattered now, although I do think it's interesting how each situation has been viewed.
As Ashley Cole appears to have been given the most stick for the way he acted (rightly have you seen Cheryl Cole) however the media has gone crazy over the scandal between their relationship even resulting in numerous face book groups being created 'The moment of relief and happiness when Cheryl finally finished Ashley Cole' but the reactions to Vernon Kay's behaviour has been much more leaniant.
I understand that Cheryl Cole is viewed rightly as one of the most beautiful, but Tess Daly's world has also been shattered by the behaviour of her husband however the popularity of the celeb's have made their situations more public. As for many months now the public have asked why is Cheryl Cole still putting up with Ashleys behaviour creating a 'sigh of relief' when the descovery on the couples relationship status became apparent.
I believe this topic has become appropriate to that of 'being bad' as the act of cheating is obvious, however dealt with and viewed in many different ways.

1 comment:

  1. Steph I completely agree with you about Vernon Kay! I was so shocked when I found out, at first I didn't believe it! Even though Cheryl and Ashley have had more press coverage over Ashley cheating on Cheryl than Vernon and Tess, I can't even imagine how it must feel to have their personal lives splattered all over the papers and for everyone to know that your husband is acting that way!
