Monday 26 April 2010


I know that it can not technically be considered as 'bad behaviour' but stress really does make people's behaviour deteriorate. That might sound daft but honestly it does, if I'm stressed then I literally can feel and see myself turning into a bitch! I get really snappy and will be in a constant mood until I sort out whatever is bothering me!


This link explains how everyone deals with stress in different ways and how it effects each person differently! I know exactly what I'm like when I'm stressed and I can explain what I do perfectly! I go very quiet and for people that know me can definitely tell when I'm stressed or upset! I'm quiet unless spoken to when I will then become snappy! I literally wont be able to think or concentrate properly on anything else apart from the certain thing! At this precise moment it's essays but luckily I still have some time with those ( however I'm really glad that I didn't leave these blogs until the last minute like I usually would do with everything else!)

That's the worse thing about it I literally make myself stressed, part of it is my own fault! I leave all my work until the very last second! I've tried not to and to get it done early but I just physically can not do it. I'll sit at the computer and just stare at the screen not able to function! I apparently work the best when I am under pressure It makes me the most motivated! I am definitely the person that doesn't do things until I have to!

However a big part of my stress (sadly I've inherited this from my mom) is I am a full on worrier! Honestly it is absolutely ridiculous! When I am on my own it's like my head goes into this weird warp drive and just thinks the worst possible things ever, this is extremely strange as I am a complete optimist I look for the bright side in everything. Honestly its irritating sometimes and my poor friend Claire who is a total pessimist hates it! But when I'm worried my normal sense leaves my body and I turn into a nutcase! The most daft quality that I have now developed (also from my moms influence) is the ability to worry about my sister. Who by the way is four years older than I am making her twenty four! She is completely responsible and a lot stronger and far more level headed than I am but I literally can not help myself. My sister has been driving for years now! But recently (I have no idea why) if she doesn't answer her phone and I know she has left work I automatically begin to think that something has happened to her and shes hurt. My sister has a tendency to not answer her phone a lot, especially if shes been drinking! Therefor I'm constantly thinking somethings happened to her. Don't get me wrong I trust her, but for some reason I always begin to think the worst. How daft is that, shouldn't it be the other way round? I'm younger she should be thinking it about me! But it's all down to stress and how it effects people differently.

Being stressed really does effect my behaviour and although I try to control it I simply can not help it! So I think that stress can be considered as 'bad' behaviour because in all honesty it turns me into a bit of a twat! (Gutted I know)

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